Wind Speed: 3.990kn
Wind Direction: 43.900°
Tide Height C.D.: 9999.999m

12th July 2024

This July from the 3rd of July until the 7th of July we celebrated the 20-year anniversary of Brightlingsea Harbour’s Foot Ferry. We brainstormed ideas of how we could celebrate this milestone in the best possible way.

In which, we concluded to slashing the prices to the 2004 prices where from the 3rd until the 7th of July for anyone who booked the Ferry online during these dates the prices would be discounted to the 2004 prices to help us celebrate this amazing milestone of the Ferry service.

During this exciting week, the celebrations also coincided with Brightlingsea Town’s Regatta and the Classic Duck Race!

Records show that since 1699, a passenger ferry has operated between Brightlingsea and Point Clear, transporting local people and visitors between the two communities, providing them with access to vital services and leisure facilities. During 2002 when the ferryman retired the ferry ceased to operate and it was not until May 2004 that the service was resumed by Brightlingsea Harbour Commissioners.

Thank you to all those who celebrated this milestone with us!
