Wind Speed: 3.990kn
Wind Direction: 43.900°
Tide Height C.D.: 9999.999m

Statutory Response to TDC PLanning Application 21/00194/FUL - 07/10/2021

In early June 2021 BHC received a formal consultation request from TDC to comment in regard to any potential impact of the development on safe navigation. BHC immediately requested and was granted an extension to the time limit for submitting its consultation report, to allow sufficient time to undertake the necessary research and consultation required.

As part of that research and consultation BHC invited individual stakeholder organisation/group representatives to meet with Commissioners to present their concerns and data. Respondents were invited to an interview at Brightlingsea Harbour Offices where they were able to share and discuss their evidence with Commissioners.

It was explained to Stakeholders that BHC’s response must be based on its statutory responsibility for safe navigation in the Harbour and therefore asked stakeholders to focus their evidence to the Commission on safe navigation. Other areas of concern were to be covered by other statutory consultees – for example any potential impact on water quality or flow will be reviewed by the Environment Agency, the RSPB, Essex Wildlife Trust and Natural England will review concerns regarding habitat and wildlife, etc.

Interviews took place , after which a response was drafted for submission to TDC and wider publication.

Below contains the Statutory response and some of the evidence collected as part of the process.

Statutory Response to 21/00194/FUL Morgan Marine covering letter

Appendix 1 Consultees

Appendix 2 Navigation Investigation Commercial

Appendix 3 Navigation Investigation Leisure