Wind Speed: 3.990kn
Wind Direction: 43.900°
Tide Height C.D.: 9999.999m


How to enter Brightlingsea Harbour Harbour navigational entry video

Download Chart Here Pilotage Map for more accurate depths see below
Bathymetric survey Dated Nov 2025 all buoyage symbols are marked in red, leading line in Black. Spot heights are marked + or - Chart datum.

Harbour Entrance

Screenshot 2024-12-18 153233.jpg

Approaching from seaward, pass between red buoy No 10 and green

buoy No 13 and head towards Bateman’s Tower at the entrance to the

creek on the north shore. The entrance to the Creek is marked by a lit

south cardinal buoy ( Brightlingsea Spit Buoy) and a lit green beacon

with a tide gauge showing the minimum depth on the line of the leading

marks into the Creek.

If the south cardinal buoy (Brightlingsea Spit Buoy) is left close to port,

the upper and lower leading marks (locally known as the Cricket

Stumps – 2 white boards with vertical red lines by day and 2 fixed red

lights by night). They are in transit at 041° T and when in line lie just

below and to the left of the thin spire in the town skyline.

Follow a course with the boards / lights in transit. The channel is dredged

to a minimum of 1m below CD. When abeam the green buoy

turn to starboard to pass 50 metres south of the red buoy (Fl R 5s).

When the red buoy is abeam turn further to starboard and

head to pass 10 metres north of the north cardinal beacon (quick flash

by night) at the seaward end of the first pontoon. By day a welcome

board is visible on the beacon.

There is a red buoy (Fl R 6s) on the north side of the Creek which

marks the seaward side of the channel to the Waterside Marina which

has a sill which dries 1m above CD.



Vessels have a choice to berth in the harbour or in the marina.

There are normally pontoon moorings available for

vessels up to 50’ LOA. For berthing instructions please call

Brightlingsea Harbour on VHF Channel 68 when approaching.

The waiting area is to the north of the north cardinal beacon (Q Fl)

wait until met by a member of the harbour staff in the harbour launch,

who will guide you to a berth.

If you arrive when there is no member of staff on duty, please follow

the instructions below:-

⇒ Head between the first two pontoons A and B which normally berth commercial

boats and traditional smacks heading towards the next

pair of parallel pontoons.

⇒ Berth on the Southern side of B Pontoon. There is approximately 2 m

below CD on here.

⇒ If these are all taken, go into any empty pontoon berth large

enough for your vessel where there is not a ‘Back Tonight’ notice,

or go alongside another boat on one of the pontoons.

All vessels having to lie alongside other vessels or the pontoon must

place sufficient fenders on the side of their vessel which will be next to

the other vessel or the pontoon. Fore and aft shorelines should be

taken from the outer vessel to the pontoon and springs should be run

to the adjacent vessel or pontoon as appropriate.

N.B. The tides run at up to 2 knots.

⇒ The pontoons lie parallel with the flow of the tide and it is strongly

recommended that except in exceptional circumstances all vessels

should berth bow into the tide.

⇒ There is a turning area with approximately 1 m below CD at

the south east end of the northernmost pontoon.

⇒Vessels should only use the channel between the two pontoons with

great caution and in any case only to go to or leave a berth in that


⇒ The sea bed in the creek is Mud and keels sink easily into it at low water.