Wind Speed: 3.990kn
Wind Direction: 43.900°
Tide Height C.D.: 9999.999m

Water Taxi VHF Channel 68

Water taxi schedule  2025_page-0001.jpg


Brightlingsea Harbour Commissioners does not accept any responsibility to provide a water taxi service beyond the last published departure times shown above. An extended service will run on Bank Holiday weekends.


£2.00 or 1 BHC Token* per person each way to all BHC moorings.

Children under 16 years free of charge.

Route: Between Harbour moorings and pontoons and the Town or Colne Yacht Club Jetties.

*BHC Tokens have no cash value and can only be used for water taxi journeys. Tokens can be purchased from the Harbour office or Taxi Coxswain at a price of £2.00 each or 10 Tokens for £14.00. This service is operated by Brightlingsea Harbour Commissioners. At non-peak times the Harbour launches may be used for this service which could affect the passenger carrying capacity.